Saturday, October 27, 2012

Politics and Thankfulness....

I am reposting this from my Facebook page.  A couple of days ago, after numerous news stories and ads calling Romney/Ryan liars, idiots, woman-haters, elitists, and more, I wrote the following.  Everyday, I try to be post on Facebook something that I am thankful for.  Here is what I posted on Tuesday, October 23, 2012.

Today, I am thankful that the election will be over in two weeks.


***Steps up on soapbox*** Because I am sick of hearing that "my" candidate is a liar, and the opposing candidate is right. I am disgusted by the lack of tolerance from the other side -- quite frankly, the truth is in the eye of the beholder, and you're going to believe what you want to believe. I'm tired of libs mocking Fox News, but singing the praises of NBC or CNN. Hello?! What makes NBC or CNN any more "true" than Fox? Is it just because they're liberal, and conservatives only have half a brain? Give me a break! Not to mention the crazy threats being made if R&R beat B.O.&Bite-me -- how "tolerant" is that? Seriously -- can you throw a bigger temper tantrum? 

#1) I don't like B.O.'s policies. This fact does not make me a racist, any more than a pencil causes misspelled words.

#2) Just because someone opposes tax $ funding Planned Parenthood or abortions, or forcing faith-based businesses to cover birth control, does not mean they hate women. I happen to BE a woman, and I do NOT hate myself (or any other women, for that matter)! I vote with my mind, heart & conscience -- NOT my uterus!

#3) I love my friends, whether they are liberals, conservatives, atheists, straight, gay, caucasian, or any other race. I don't see "color," or "politics," or anything other than heart. If you are a horridly evil person, I probably won't have much to do with you. If you are an arrogant jerk, I'll probably avoid you. Will I "hate" you? Absolutely not. Bottom line: the way you treat me, and the people I care about, is what determines my willingness to give you my time or attention. 

I could continue, but I'm confident I have made my point. If you're not happy with my opinion, that is fine with me -- you are every bit as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. I just ask that you be more respectful of mine, as I am of yours. I get my news from both sides, and I think you should, too. If you saw Fahrenheit 9/11, you should go see 2016, too. And, if you can't like me for who I am (shortcomings and all), you are welcome to de-friend me -- that's your prerogative. 

I'm grateful for the freedom of speech, too.... :)

***Steps off of soapbox***

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